Remembering America’s Global Connections in the Time of Coronavirus

Our partner Chris Collins and Advisory Board member Sten Vermund co-wrote this excellent piece on the Think Global Health blog with a focus on the global context as we grapple with our response here at home to COVID-19. Thinking forward, they call on presidential candidates to put forth a long-term comprehensive plan for global health.

Our fate in the United States is tied to that of people around the world. As we distance ourselves physically, we cannot forget how we are connected. In the coming months, the United States may bring its own coronavirus epidemic under control with social distancing and other measures. However, if COVID-19 rages in other nations, the United States and the whole world remain at risk. For our long-term safety, other countries must be able to respond effectively. As syndicated columnist Michael Gerson observed last month of the quickly developing pandemic, “Seldom has there been a stronger argument for U.S. global engagement to strengthen African health systems.”

Read the full article here.

Sonja Williams